Austin & Ally Wiki
Austin & Ally Wiki
*Carly, Deuce, Freddie, Gunther, Rocky, Sam, Tinka and Ty were in the kitchen eating breakfast and talking about how tough school was*

Sam: Man, school is tough today
Carly: I agree with you. In math class, the teacher assigned us so many homeworks you can't imagine how much,
Ty: And my teacher said I need to stop dancing in class. Pfft!
Deuce: "You're not supposed to dance in class.
Ty: "I know, but they shouldn't have made that rule.
Carly: Anyway, back to me.
*Everyone looked at Carly*
Carly: I wish the school had no homework.
Freddie: Why? Homework is-
Carly: That way we can have enough time to hang out, you know.
*The teens think for a moment, then agree with Carly*
Sam: That's why I hate school.
Ty: And I need enough time to dance.
Sam: You mean break-dance.
Ty: Yes and hip hop!
Deuce: Cool!
Sam: Awesome!
Ty: You want to try it?
Sam: Sure!
Carly: Crank up the music!
*Freddie starts the music on his phone and Sam and Ty starts break-dancing. The teens stare at Sam and Ty for a long time. Sam and Ty finally finished and the teens start clapping*
Freddie: That was awesome!
Carly: You were great.
Ty: Boom! That's the prove homework shouldn't be made.
Carly: You are so funny, Ty.
*Everyone gasps*
Sam: Don't tell me you love Ty.
Carly: What! Ew, no! We're just friends!
Sam: Yes, you do! You do! You do!
Carly: No, I don't! I don't! I don't!"
Freddie: Wow! This friendship is turning out great!
Gunther: Ugh. I hate it!
Carly: So. You're not a part of this friendship.
Teens: Ooh!
*Suddenly, there was a noise coming from the kitchen cabinets*
Carly: Shh. Shh. I think I hear something.
Rocky: Well, I don't know what that is, but it sounds like laughter.
*Carly picks up a knife and slowly step toward the kitchen cabinet*
Sam: Whoa, dude, are you going to kill the criminal!
Carly: No! I'm a nice person so I'll just scare them away.
Sam: Whew!
*Carly quickly opens the cabinet and point the knife at Flynn and Henry yelling "ah-ha!". Flynn and Henry scream, causing Carly to scream too, throwing the knife in the air. The knife flew through the air and toward the sink where the teens were standing*
The teens: Whoa!
*They moved out of the way. The knife falls in the sink with a loud clank*
Carly: You scared me!
Flynn: Oops. Sorry!
Ty: You're such a mischievous boy.
Sam: So mischievous like me.
Teens: Oh, yeah!
Sam: What were you doing in the cabinet anyway?
Flynn: Oh, we were just playing spy.
Sam: Spy!
Henry: Yeah. Do you like the game?
Sam: Like it? Oh, I love it!
Carly: What do you mean?
Sam: I play that game all the time after school.
Flynn:Whoa! Well, if you think you know the game, would you mind if you tell everyone.
Sam: Sure. The goal of the game is to spy on someone and get away without someone noticing you.
Henry: And you need to write down what they have done for two hours.
Rocky: On what?
Henry: On this.
*He holds out a white notepad*
Flynn: Then after two hours, you return to the master and give her the notepad.
Freddie: Who is the master?
Flynn: It's someone in this room.
Carly: Cece!
Henry: Nope!
Carly: Deuce!
Henry: Huh-uh!
Carly: Ty?
*Henry shook his head Carly thinks for a moment, then got an idea*
Carly: Sam!
Flynn: ding ding ding! You got it correct!
Deuce: Hey, what happens when someone saw you?
Flynn, Henry, Sam: Then you lose.
Deuce: Wow!
Rocky: Can we join!
Flynn: Everyone can play! Well, except for Gunther and Tinka
Gunther and Tinka:Hey!
Henry: Wait. Where is Cece?
Carly: I don't know where she is. She says she will be back in a half hour.
Freddie: She says she has a surprise for all of us.
Flynn: Ooh! A surprise! I love surprises!
Sam: Me too! I hope she brings home a new butter sock!
Ty: Why?
Sam: Well, smell this.
*She pulled out a rusty butter sock. Ty smells the butter sock then, pull back, holding his nose*
Ty: Oh. That stinks!
Sam: Yeah!
Ty: Well, I hope she brought home a ping-pong table.
Flynn: Whoa! That would be a big gift!
Ty: I know, right!
Carly: Well, I hope she brought home bottle of gummy bear.
Henry: Mmm. Sound yummy.
Freddie: And unhealthy.
Carly: Yeah, but I like it so much!
*Ty smile at her*
Flynn: So, what do you want, Freddie!
Sam: Yeah! Tell everyone about your dumb gift you will never get, Fred-dork!
Freddie: Nothing. Friends are all I need.
Sam: Well, I'm not your friend. Carly is not your girlfriend and Flynn don't like you! That's true. I hate him.
Sam: So how can they be your friend!
Freddie: Carly and Flynn are my friend.
Sam: No, they aren't!
Freddie: You're a mean, evil girl!
Sam: I know, Fred-dork!
Carly: Sam, don't be rude.
Sam: What? I can be mean whatever I want to be!
*The teens, Flynn, and Henry start laughing and chuckling. Suddenly, the door open. The teens, Flynn, and, Henry turns around and saw...*
